Traditional Property Investment vs Property Crowdfunding

In previous post have explained what Property Crowdfunding is, how it works and how to decide if it might be suitable for you as an investment vehicle. This week we have provided a very simple chart comparing property crowdfunding with traditional property investment. Resources: WMA PROPERTY To purchase the ticket worth RM 388 each to the Property Intensive … Read more

An Introduction To Property Crowdfunding – A Revolution In Property Investment?

Many people believe property to be a stable investment that is capable of producing produce both income and capital growth. However, it does have number of drawbacks. Traditionally, it has only been those who have access to large amounts of capital that have been able to benefit from the financial gains property investment can deliver. … Read more

Expo on crowdfunding and fintech

LISTED Australian crowdfunding company CoAssets is organising the inaugural Expo for Property, Investing and Crowdfunding (Epic) in Kuala Lumpur on Oct 24 and 25 to highlight the potential of crowdfunding and financial technology (fintech) in Asia, as well as to connect investors to businesses. “Crowdfunding in Asia, specifically in Malaysia, is gaining much interest. “With … Read more