Mobile Marketing Hacks: Keep the Traffic and Cash Flow Pumping

It has come to your attention that your mobile app and your social media pages are not amassing enough leads to your business. You’re left with nothing but a question why it is not going as you’ve initially planned. You’ve studied your target audience’s profile and set a clear path to increase people’s awareness towards your brand. Content marketing practices were applied such as shrinking your site’s content inside the corners of the mobile screen while you made sure that you have all the necessary content. After your campaign launch, you are left wondering why you’re not meeting the desired results in time. It constantly bugs you that there is something missing. But what is it? Do not worry if your business is under some dark clouds lately, even it has its own silver lining. The trick to mobile marketing is to utilize the media with the best opportunities to spread your brand’s message. It is not enough that you made all these mobile strategies if you do not follow with the shifting trends in mobile marketing.

Be Content Crazy
Maintaining an engaged number of fans is apparently a lot of work. Wherever your fans are facing, you should go to that direction to beat other brands in the competition. Create content that can add life to your branding ability. If your fans are into trending topics in social media, ride into the trend and create a parody or a reference post out of it. Use the popular short-form videos on your campaigns to keep fans interested on your feed or you can go into nostalgic themes to touch your audience. As long as it is interesting, straightforward and easily relatable, your social media marketing campaign is off to a good start. Modify your mobile site using best SEO practices. For a good social media marketing strategy, apply for a Google+ page and make sure you have listed all the right information of your business. Most people use Google to track spots and information regarding any business. Mobile users are impatient so in this way you’ll be giving them easier and better way to find your store with their mobile search.

Modify your mobile site using best SEO practices. For a good social media marketing strategy, apply for a Google+ page and make sure you have listed all the right information of your business. Most people use Google to track spots and information regarding any business. Mobile users are impatient so in this way you’ll be giving them easier and better way to find your store with their mobile search.

Social Media Means Huge Traffic
Do not let your brand be contained to only one platform in bringing in more leads. Keep improving your engagement on your Facebook page but use other social media platforms for your business. These are traffic that you cannot normally tap in digital marketing. Be highly creative with visuals on Instagram, the favourite of many artsy users. With its upgrade in display from being limited from the square post to landscape and portrait format, you can have wider prospects in attracting fans. Gear up with Twitter’s ability to promote brands to global levels. The retweets and hashtags will make up for the lack of user engagement on other mobile social platforms.

Complete their Mobile Experience
Engage your audience with location-based mobile marketing campaigns through promos and coupons. Maximise their experience by mixing online and offline engagement. After bringing the audience to your business, encourage them to check into your business to spread brand experience around their network through different social media platforms and apps. Make your customers feel appreciated by sharing their photos or featuring their posts about your brand! It doesn’t just create new leads to convert into sales but also make the most of existing ones.
